Fitting in 10 Minutes
Please use the exercise glossary HERE for instruction on how to do the exercises.
For core training check the link out HERE.
If you have any issues then please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Please be sure to come to a gradual stop to cooldown and stretch all the muscles used after the session apart from your abdominal muscles if you are newly postpartum.
Workout 1
2-3 Minute Warm Up
5 Press Ups on Knees
10 Body Weight Squats
10 Seconds Jogging on the spot
x 3
Part 1- PUSH- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
Take rest as and when needed
7 Hand Release Press Ups
20 Air Squats
15 Strict Shoulder Press
20 Wide Leg Squats
Part 2- PULL- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
20 Hamstring Curls in TRX/ Romanian Deadlift
14 Clean 1 arm with DB or KB
20 Static Split lunges, weight by sides, 10 each side
20 Straight Leg Deadlifts
Part 3 Cardio- 21-15-9 reps
(21 of each, 15 of each, 9 of each)
Minute 1- 1 Arm Snacth, alternate arms
Minute 2- Light landing in out Squat Jumps
Minute 3- Curtsy Lunges, weight at chest
Part 4- Abs- 5 Minutes
Imagine Hugging your baby if you were pregnant, pulling your pelvic floor up and belly button in
On all 4’s, opposite arm and leg out straight, hold for 10 seconds each side. Repeat 7-8 x each side
15 x Modified Curl up aim for 10 second hold
Workout 2
2-3 Minute Warm Up
15 Second Running on the spot
10 Back Lunges (5 each side)
10 Front Raises using a band or DB’s
Part 1- PUSH- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
15 Squat Ptess
15 Side/ Lat raises
20 Swing Lunge, reps each side, one leg at a time
15 Arnold Press
Part 2- PULL- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
20 Hip Thrusts Legs on bench/ chair
20 Bent over fly
15 TRX Hamstring Curl/ Romanian deadlifts
TRX Row in
Part 3 Cardio- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
50 High arms and High Knees
50 Front Lunge with Shoulder press
10 Walk Outs , walk hands out into plank, core engaged
Workout 3
2-3 Minute Warm Up
5 Squat Press
10 Frog Jumps
15 Seconds fast feet, tapping toes on ball or something?
x 3
Part 1- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
15 Chest Press
10 Side Jumps
15 Chest Fly
50 Skips, no problem if no rope
15 Tricep Dips
Part 2- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
15 Wide Leg Squat Up row
20 1 Arm Bent over row, 10 each arm
15 Rotational pull in TRX
20 Lat Raises to front Raise
Part 3 Cardio- 2 Rounds, 3 is best if you have time
40 seconds on, 10 seconds off
Rotational squat Kicks
DB/KB swing
Press Ups
Continue for 9 Minutes
Part 3- Abs- 5 Minutes
Imagine Hugging your baby if you were pregnant, pulling your pelvic floor up and belly button in
On all 4’s, opposite arm and leg out straight, hold for 10 seconds each side. Repeat 8-10 x each side
12 x Modified Curl up aim for 10 second hold
Workout 4
2-3 Minute Warm Up
10 Front to Lat Raise
10 Bent over row
10 Fire Hydrant to Donkey Kick, each leg
Part 1- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
20 Lat Raises
15 Weighted Squats
7 Hand Release press ups
15 Squat Jumps, only little jumps and land light
7 TRX Row, walk feet really far in
Part 2- Lower- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
20 1 Leg Deadlift
20 Devils Press (10 each side)
20 Curtsy Lunges
20 Y/I Riase
Part 3- Cardio- 10 Minutes
As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes.
100 Skips
10 Alternate squat press
1 Burpee