5 20-30 Minute Workouts
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes, your gonna try beat this each week in the next 4 weeks
Start the first round with the 8’s then move on to the 12s
20 Alternative 1 arm snatch
20 squats full range weights on shoulders
10 alternative arm plank rows (stay on 8s here)
20 laying chest press on the floor
20 alternative lunges no weight
Warm up
6 walk outs
6 lunges each side
6 deadlifts 12’s
3 times
4 sets 15-20 Deadlifts heaviest weight
4 sets 15-20 Squats full range 12s on shoulders
4 sets 15-20 KB swings heaviest poss
3 sets 12 Bent over row
3 sets 12 strict shoulder press
Warm up
Clean and press
Back lunges
As many rounds as possible in 15 min
6 2 Arm snatch
5 Full squats explode up weight on shoulders no lift overhead
4 Commando crawl no knees
3 Chest press heaviest
2 High plank to down dog up dog to high plank (no down dog)
1 Burpee
20 Cleans to shoulders 2 weights lighter
20 KB swings 12s
EMOM (Set a 7 minute timer every minute on the minute do the reps then rest for the rest of the minute)
Set 7 minute timer
12 straight leg deadlift heaviest weight
Set 7 min timer
6 strong no knees hand release press ups
Set 7 min timer
12 Thruster( squat press nice and fast no locking of the arms)
30 mountain climbers
10 Weights in hands to floor then back up, like a half burpee and half press up, clean Iit over head wen back standing
30 Walking lunges weights by side if poss if not work to that
10 1 Arm snatch
30 Ab curls
10 Deadlifts
30 Front punch’s
10 Double arm clean
30 Front kicks alt legs