No Equiptment Cardio workout
Please do not do this workout is Diastasis Recti is present, you ALSO must be at least 6 months Postpartum.
7 Minute Gradual Warm up and stretch.
Workout 1 Cardio 12 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible
10 Hand Release Press ups
5 Burpees
20 Plank Swims
10 Burpees
20 Toe Taps
15 Burpees
Workout 1 Cardio 12 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible
20 Hip Thrusts
5 In Out Jumps
20 Squats
10 In Out Jumps
20 Back Lunges
15 In Out Jumps
Workout 1 Cardio 12 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible
20 Sit Up crunches
5 Mountain Climbers
20 Russian Twists
10 Mountain Climbers
20 In out Side Side
15 Mountain Climbers
5 Minute Gradual Cooldown and stretch