Preparing for Christmas

Christmas is the most wonderful but also the most challenging part of the year!

When it comes to managing your weight and a healthy lifestyle! With many social occasions, plenty of preparation to do and probably a few hangovers eating a healthy balanced diet and finding the time to exercise can be challenging!

As the nights draw in and we are all enjoying the warm up to Christmas with the X Factor or Strictly (I’m more X Factor) should you just give in now, I mean your probably going to go ‘‘off’’ at Halloween anyway so why not wait until the new year to make a start?

NO, and here is why…

How long did last years New Years Resolution last? When it got past January and you got sick of the shakes or the salad, payday came and you wanted a post Christmas night out with the girls did you start to think you will start a again after Easter? Then after Easter its getting warm, picnics, beer gardens and then the kids summer holidays…ARGHHHHHH!

I’m not saying this is everyone but I’ve been there and it’s so hard to pick the perfect time to start and do it ‘properly this time’. But there is no perfect time, life always has plenty to throw at us and it doesn't stop to give us the time to spend on ourselves, you have to make that time!

Through years of faddy diets I think a lot of women have lost sight of normal food and how to eat normal food and lose fat/ tone up the normal way…it’s always got to have a gimmick to sound like it will work right? NO, it doesn't and how super easy is it to exercise and eat food you enjoy but just less? Well if you find the right type of exercise you enjoy and can fit in with the kids and if you learn how to structure YOUR diet to suit you but in a calorie deficit then its not that difficult at all!

Work at restructuring your life to be healthier around you and your family, so how do we do this?

It’s nearly 10 weeks until Christmas, in that time you can effectively lose up to 15-20lbs and that doesn’t mean not living life or having a massive overhaul its about monitoring what you eat and moving a little bit much as you can manage and fit in!

You can walk, run, dance or do HIITS or just weights and just eat a little better, whatever way is right for you is the one that will work so put a plan in place and by Christmas when your feeling Fabulous in that dress from Zara you will be so glad you made some small changes and therefore will have learnt how to have more control and how to work around all these events and occasions without going back over all your hard work over the Christmas period. YES it will be hard but it will be life changing!

Enter Christmas in a good position and a healthier place body and mind so you don't start off the new year on a back foot!

With plenty of delicious recipes, guidance and planning on how to achieve a healthy fat loss diet, workouts with flexible options for everyone there is no reason why you can’t achieve your goal!