1 Small Change Days 26-30

Day 26: Travel the World For Food Inspiration

This summer we went to visit my Step Dad in Savannah, Georgia and what an eye opener it was!

The Food, the people, the activities, the fitness scene, it’s just unbelievable.

One thing that I loved was the food, so I’m obviously a foodie anyway but the Americans just have it nailed! It’s definitely give me inspiration for new recipes for the community but it’s mainly realised I need to broaden my horizons with my own Meal planning.

I’m making a decision to try and cook one meal a week (after my comp) from a different country, and Im not talking Spag Boll, i’m talking about Shrimp and Grits, Fried Green Tomatoes, Bunny Chow, Boa Buns. I’m going to step out of my comfort zone and introduce the family to some new flavours!

If your in I’d love to see what you come up with!

Day 27- Get better sleep

Most of us try and put our kids in a sleeping routine from the word go. It helps them grow, helps with concentration (something Jesse definitely struggles with) and it helps their mental health.

If it’s so beneficial why don’t we get more sleep ourselves?

1. Because you probably have a child/ bump that disturbs your sleep.

2. There just are’nt enough hours in the day.

3. You struggle to switch off.

These are just a few examples, so how can you get better quality sleep?

My tips would be-

Set a bed time and a wake up time (as you would a child)....

Program your body into day and night. Set your bed time around what works for you and your family, I get tonnes done on a morning so I choose to wake about 5.30/6 but go to bed at 9.30/10!

Wind down before bed...

There are many times I’ve gone from bath to bottle, to tea to working on the laptop a few hours, then straight to bed! BUT if I read a book or watch a bit of pathetic TV for an hour or so I get much better sleep.

Reduce Caffeine, Alcohol and Sugar...

The sugar or alcohol sweats and caffeine jitters aren’t fun at 3am so try and reduce them...or at least a couple of hours before bed!

Take a pen and paper to bed...

If you’re like me and all these AMAZING ideas come to you just as our dozing off, wake up, write them down and mentally offload it for sounder sleep!

Get your kids in a routine too?

I know not all mums follow routine but it worked for me...if your interested I used the book baby secrets by Jo Tantum.

Don’t take work to bed...

You don’t put toys in a kids bed for a reason so don’t do work in bed either!

If you’ve got any tips to share for a good night sleep?If so please comment below.

Day 28: Manage Portion Control And Stop Picking

In a wonderful world of supersized meals and a childhood of being basically force-fed to grow big and strong it’s no surprise our portions are a bit on the large side!

I could show you all the pictures of burgers from 1972 to now and bore you to death but there isn’t much we can do to change it right now and honestly, my first thing to change would be getting the quality street tin back to its 1998 size!

Anyway sometimes you can’t control what’s put on your plate but you can choose how much you eat. The perfect plate would be 1/4 Fruit and Veggies, 1/4 Starchy Fibrous Carbs and just over a 1/4 Protein and the rest fats but what does that equate to in actual food?

With the PHBP you can have a Food Plan, Macros, Follow a Food plate guide/ PHBP Food Lists or follow our healthy balanced meals to help you create balance and portion control. There is a way to do it, it’s just finding the right one for you!

And my top tip to stop yourself from picking at the kids leftovers…have your snacks/ meals with them!!!

Day 29: Don't Wait to get Fit to get Fit  

We have all said it before-

‘‘I cant do the class, I’m not fit enough’’

‘‘I wont be able to lift a weight, I’ll wait until I’ve done a bit myself’’

‘‘I can’t run that far, I’ll start walking first and try when I’m fitter’’

Well, YOU CAN DO IT, and if you wait around until your ‘‘fit enough’’ then you may never get there!

Everyone starts somewhere, I could barely walk up a bank when I first started my fitness journey…I would have never imagined I’d be sat here telling others how to get fitter!

Try the run, try the class…what have you got to lose?

If your worried about looking like a dickhead, seriously no one cares we have ALL been there!

As experienced as I am,on holiday I got stuck with a barbell on my back haha, the blog has tonnes of free information and tips on how to run, HIITS, how to macro track so make a start and DON’T WAIT!

Day 30: Try The PHBP

All these small changes are done!

Well done if you have managed to make small changes, even if it’s just one, its still something and it still counts!

If you would like help in achieving your goals, or want more Health & Fitness information at your fingertips then check out the memberships available HERE.

Thanks for reading and following them, I have loved sharing my experiences, Hints and Tips!

Be sure to keep an eye on the blog and my Facebook and Instagram for all things Health, Fitness and Mam!